We finished up the semester June 23rd. I am officially done with school. AHH! I am a tad scared not gonna lie. I am still working on my final show, which will be in september but I no longer have classes or assignments, it is really odd. Cody is getting ready to take his final tests for his instrument license.. yikes! He will do great though I know it.
So since we have been busy with school and work we haven't done any fun trips lately.. just hang around. We have been doing a lot of movies lately. We saw A-team, highly recommend, Toy Story 3 - so funny!!, and we just saw Eclipse on Tuesday night at midnight.
.. Me, Jarett, Matson and Erica at Toy Story 3 in 3D, rocking the glasses..
In other news, we have a cram packed August coming up.. On August 6th Kellyn, my sister, is getting married in the SLC temple. Then.. August 10-13 Jarett, my younger brother is competing in a national trap shooting tournament. August 13th is also his 16th birthday, he arrives home at 10am and we have plans to immediately visit the DMV. August 14th Matson, my other brother is getting married in the Mt. Timp temple. And then.. on August 28th I turn 26. Sounds like a crazy month already and it just seems to keep on filling. Needless to say our house is covered in wedding stuff and there is all sorts of projects going on.
.. Our first Boys vs girls golfing tournament, we lost..
It should be good.. so that is all that is going on with us. Boring, I know.