
.. jet ..

well with much anticipated wait on your side (at least i am guessing so..) we would like you to meet our puppy. we decided to name him Jet. he is adorable, and literally so fluffy i could die.

we had a fun quick trip picking him up and had fun along the way. we flew to oklahoma city on wednesday march 30th, on the 8pm flight. we landed in oklahoma at 11:30. the airport was pretty much dead, no one was really there. we called our hotel and got a shuttle and found out that our hotel was about 2 minutes from the airport. talk about fast service. we got our room and cody decided he was hungry. so we called the front desk and found out that room service was closed, but the nice shuttle guy offered to take him into town and get him some grub. so i stayed behind and they headed to taco bell. we watched speed on tv and spent about an hour talking about how excited we were and what things needed to happen the next day. i honest to goodness think cody and i only slept like 3 hours we were so excited about the little bugger.

the next morning we got up around 7 and hustled to get ready and out of there on time to be on the road no later than 8:30. Jet's foster home was about 1 1/2 hours from the airport. so we left the hotel and off to the airport to pick up our rocking rental car. we got a red mazda 6. big pimpin. we hurried and found food, at the local 7-11 and jumped on the freeway. we drove for what seemed forever and finally pulled off. the city is called kellyville, and is exactly what i pictured oklahoma. we drove through the town, wondering where on earth google maps was taking us and ended up out in the country. he lived at a house that was in the middle of a huge field / forest. it was nice. we rang the doorbell a tad nervous and somewhat excited, and were greeted by Jet and his foster mom. he was handed to us and we cuddled for a few, and then he wanted down to tear off after his liter mate Seth who was also there. we got to meet all the puppies she was fostering, so adorable including Dixie. she was all about us. it was hilarious.

{ cody with all the foster pups, jet is sniffing cody's hand. Dixie is the full grown dog, she wanted all the attention }

cody took jet outside to go potty while i filled out the paperwork and paid his adoption fee. and then we were off. he was SO nervous and would only sit if we let him cuddle up in my neck or on cody's lap. it was cute. we drove the hour and a half back to the airport and unloaded the car. we walked around outside in attempts to get him to go pee but he wouldn't go. so we just went in. we walked through security, every person saying hello and how cute he was. we got to the other side and got him to eat and drink a bit, but still no potty.

{jet outside the airport}

we got to the gate and laid down a blanket and let him play with his toys. he played hard as we waited. when it came time to get on the plane we discovered the flight only had one seat left. we talked about it, and after a few decided that i would take jet and go and cody would come on the later flight. i boarded with jet in his carrier and cody called my dad. i was so nervous. but he was a trooper. he had to stay under the seat in front of me for take off but after that i held him on my lap in his carrier. he slept almost the whole flight and did great. we landed in salt lake and hurried out to meet my dad. cody made it on the next flight and met us at home about 3 hours later.

he is a squishy love. he LOVES to cuddle. he is very fond of sleeping in your neck and on your arms. he loves playing with daisy, my mom's dog, they chase each other around for at least 2-3 hours a day. we are working on potty training, he hasn't quite mastered it all the way but we are making great progress.

we sure love him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is really quishy and we love him.