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Well, today I feel sad. I know this sounds really lame but I am sad that I have to leave my cute roots at home. Cody's grandfather is suffering from lung cancer, and has asked the family to gather in Kansas City to spend Thanksgiving together. Today we are leaving for the 15 hour drive out there. I am sad that I am leaving my baby here for like 5 days alone. It makes me really sad that I am going to be without him. Not to mention, that before we left, my parents dog.. Roxy, had to have surgery yesterday to remove a large lump on her knee that was potentially cancerous. So she is very sensitive, and Tyke is trying so hard to love on her and make her feel okay which sometimes can be a little rough for Roxy. I am sure that he will be okay, he is staying with my parents for the week. But I still worry, what can you do? I am a worried mom. Well I am sure I will write again soon and possibly from Kansas City! Have a great day everyone!!

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