First up is my sweetie, Cody. As you all have read he is trying to work on his pilot license. Through out the process he has 3 "stage checks" where he goes flying with the Chief Flight Instructor and has to prove his knowledge of the airplane and show his flight skills. Well on June 9Th was the scheduled first stage check. It didn't start well and sure didn't end good either. He couldn't identify each antenna and got docked for it. Well he was frustrated and stressed and needless to say the take off didn't go to well either. Cody was lined up to go straight but when he got the tires off the runway the plane suddenly started heading sideways and for the ground. The instructor had to save the plane. Needless to say all they did today was practicing of landing and take off. And when the check ended, he failed. He was bummed, as what would be deemed normal. But he is signed up for the check again next Wednesday. Although he did redeem himself. He went flying later in the afternoon and flew just fine. Perhaps it is just the nerves. We are glad to announce that after a week of studying and preparing himself and multiple flights in between, today June 18Th he passed his flight test with flying colors! YAHOO!
Just in case you were wondering how tight it was inside the cockpit... here is a picture of the plane...
And here is the dashboard... you can see how close they were... ha ha.
Tyke is continuing to grow. I think he is up to 80 pounds now, but it is too hard for me to lift him to find out. He is now an avid sunbather thanks to the great weather we have been having. Needless to say he loves it. But his joy and excitement never cease to entertain me. He is so fun to watch just run around like a crazy person on crazy pills. His newest adventure involves my family's dog Roxy. Our neighbors go out at least 3 times a day to water their plants outside. Roxy is in LOVE with water. Well needless to say she runs up and down the fence line in hopes of catching a smidgen of water. Well since she is running around and barking, Tyke thinks this is a game not a rush to get water. He chases her up and down the fence and occasionally gets a shot full of water through the fence. After stirring up dust from the sand box he usually coughs for a good ten minutes and then passes out for his nap. This happens 3 to 4 times a day. It is quite funny actually.
As for me I just am glad I made it through the photo class I just finished. It has been a little chaotic and stressful I would spend days in the class, but is over. It was a really fun class however I have to say it has been one of my favorites in a long time. I am still just working away, surprise. My most recent adventure was giving our puppy a burn. It was on accident I assure you... We had given him a bath and afterwards while we were in the bedroom getting ready I decided to jump start my hair drying so I blow dried my hair a tad. Well Tyke finds noises like this and the vacuum scary as if it is going to get him. Well he freaked out, barked at it and then tried to eat it. Well I turned it off to stop him freaking out, well when he sniffed around I touched the end of the blow dryer with his face. And well you guessed it, burned his nose. I felt so bad. About a few days later he had a scab and just recently, it fell off. I felt horrid but we are now in once piece and just have a minor red mark where the scab was.
Here is Tyke's scab.. I felt so bad..
Well, I am off to enjoy some sun and a book..
What can you do it's summer...
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