
.. the alchemyst ..

it's been a while i know. we have been so busy with things that it is surprising to find a moment to spare. cody has been prepping to graduate, taking tests and standing in lines to get his graduation gear. he has also been in the process of applying for a job with the air force as a pilot of a kc135.
{yep a re fueler plane..}

we won't find out about that for a while, he finds out in a few weeks if he is even eligible to apply. i on the other hand have been working, trying to solve my arm issues, and now i am the young women advisor in the laurel class. and we have made a goal to go to the gym together at least 3 times a week if not more. AND.. my parents are hosting a japanese student for another week, his name is Daiki. he speaks GREAT english and fun to have here, it just takes up time doing things as a family for him.

somehow in the midst of working and what nots i have still found time for reading. i LOVE reading. like love. i have a 'problem' with it, like i'm an addict. i can't go to barnes and noble and leave without something without feeling incomplete. i love the smell of books and if i could spend all my days reading i would be fine. so.. as you remember from my list, that i am trying to expand my reading and i made a goal to read a book from another author than i normally read. i have always been a murder mystery / thriller person. i love it.

a few weeks ago i was talking to a good friend of mine and she told me about this book called 'the alchemyst'. i asked her what it was about and she said it was the story of Nicholas Flamel, the guy who found the philosophers stone and lives forever cause he never ages. it was about him, his wife, a mess of immortal beings, a set of twins and a bunch of evil creatures. now like i said before i don't usual read sci-fi / fantasy things. but, i read the twilight series because my sister wanted someone to talk to about it, and someone mentioned i might like it. i read harry potter to stay up with my siblings and also cause i wanted to compare them to the movies. so i have read a few of those, but i wasn't so sure. she told me that she couldn't put them down and that they were and easy read. i didn't think much of it cause i was in the middle of a murder mystery. well i finished it about a week ago and was looking for another book. i have more of the murder mystery type books, like 25 + to read but i felt like i needed a little break for a bit. so i decided to give this book a try. AND it crossed a goal off my list. (#6)

OMG! this book is SOOOOOO good. if you liked harry potter and twilight and crazy legends then you will definitely like this book. i would recommend it! in fact i read the first book in 3 days and told my dad he and i had to make a pit stop at b&n to pick up the next 3. only 4 books total are out right now, book 5 comes out may 24th and book 6 is set for next year. but they are good! so if you need a book and have some free time for reading, give it a try. if you aren't quite sure, click here to read the first chapter of the book.

happy reading!

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