
.. an update to 'the list' ..

I am sure you all remember my list, you had it taped to your mirror right?! what you don't? alright fine, click here to get a refresher. since my goal was by my 27th birthday which happened a few days ago, i thought i would update you on what i accomplished.

1. Travel - check!
{i went to 4 international islands on a cruise, went to NYC, and oklahoma}

{picking up jet in oklahoma}

{cruise, this is in st. kitts}

{new york at the world trade center}

2. photograph more - check!
{took way more pictures and did 3 rolls of film on the cruise alone}

3. shoot with the holga - half check
{the roll is still in the holga with 3 shots left..}

4. shoot on the instax - check!
{i documented getting jet, some self portraits, and the cruise on it}

5. see wicked with cody - miss :(

6. read at least 10 books, one new one - check and check!
{ i read 17 books since making this list, 3 new authors and some old}

7. go to the gym every week - check!
{i have gone every week that i have been allowed. the dr won't let me with my shoulder surgery}

8. try snowboarding - fail

9. move into our own place - fail
{we are still very much working on it, cody's school is taking longer than we expected}

10. get crafty - check!
{i did a sewing project for a friend- rag doll, and i created a necklace board}

11. find a photo project i am interested in - semi check
{i am working on doing more fine art stuff, not really anything specific and of course self portraits}

12. have a GNO - fail.. sad
{wanted to, and talked about it but never got to it.}

13. get a dog or preggo or both - check!
{not pregnant, trust me you will know when that happens, but i got a pup!}

14. learn italian - semi check
{ i am still working on this one, i try and find time and when i do i practice not as much as i should..}

15. learn to be understanding and patient - checkish
{i feel like this one is an ongoing thing, so an eternal checkish.}

16. make a few mini books - check
{i made quite a few, one for jet, one for the cruise and one for a friend}

17. be more adventurous. - check!
{i started wearing skirts and dresses to work, HUGE. and on the cruise i did a zipline, so fun and scary}

18. have an art show - check!
{i had my BFA show in october}

19. make a snowman - fail
{i made the list and it snowed and i decided the cold was not my cup of tea, lame i know}

20. enter an art contest - check!
{ i entered the national photography contest}

21. make a tyke book - check
{ i got a photo album and put every picture we have of him in it}

22. have a picnic - check!
we did this a few months ago with the jet man

23. be more romantic - semi check again
{i think this one is like #15, an ongoing thing}

24. make a choice daily to be happy - check!
{this year was much better}

25. be a better wife, sister, daughter and in-law - check
{i improved all those relationships and am going to continue to work on them}

26. do a 5k- fail
{we were planning on one, my MIL and I but she got sick a few days before so we didn't}

27. be punctual - checkish
{i still have a bit of an issue with this one, but i have made leaps and bounds towards the right direction}.

so there you have it. i did some, 21 to be exact so i only missed 6. but it was fun trying to do new things. stay tuned for my new list.. i do turn 28 next year.  

1 comment:

Erica Tanner said...

I might do this for my birthday! For reals. and I will help some of the ones missed happen this year! And this year you should add provide everyone in the Tanner family with a baby. haha joking!