Well, I thought since it was the last day in March that I would write a post. There a few things to update everyone one so here we go..
First off.. we ended not getting the townhome. As things played out the rates took another jump and we ran into some snags. As it happened we didn't get it. However, in looking back at it, we decided that it turned out okay. We really wanted a backyard for tyke and this place wouldn't allow us to have a fence up. Also with school coming up and trying to find ways to get money saved up, it was better that things happened this way.
Second.. Cody decided on a major! We were getting to a point where knowing what we wanted to do was a must. He picked, yay! He is going into Aviation Science through UVU. He starts up hopefully in the fall, after a few generals this summer. He is super excited and has loved the few chances he has had to go on a "test" flight with the instructors.
Well, We are just plugging along. Not much other than that has changed. We are counting down the days until the end of the semester, we have 4 weeks. But all in all it has been a good month. We can't complain. I think we are ready for April..
mY aBc'S
Well, while reading my friend Brandy's blog.. I got aBc tagged..
a: attached or single: aTtAcHeD
b: best friend: cOdY, mY mOm, mY dAd, mAtSoN, eLiShA..
c: cake or pie: pIe.. i LOVE cHeRrY
d: day of choice: fRiDaY or sAtUrDaY..
e: Essential item: cElL pHoNe, cHaPsTiCk, bEnaDrYl
f: favorite color: rEd
g: gummi bears or worms: bEaRs, but ONLY hAriBo
h: hometown: pRoVo, Ut
i: indulgence(s): cHoColAtE, fRiEnDs, bOoKs, mOvIeS..
j: january or july: jUlY
k: kids: nOnE yEt, unless you count tYkE
l: life is incomplete without: mY fAmiLy
m: marriage date: nOvEmBeR 22, 2005
n: number of siblings: 2 bRoThErS & 1 sIsTeR
o: oranges or apples: nIeThEr.. I have never liked fruit.. I don't eat it.
p: phobias of fears: sPiDeRs, bAlLoOnS, bUtTeRfLiEs, and hEiGhTs
q: quote(s): "wHaTeVeR yOu aRe bE a GoOd oNe" - Abraham Lincoln
r: reason to smile: mY fAmiLy
s: season: fAlL, it isn't too hot anymore but not freezing yet.
t: tag five: eLiShA, cHeReE, lAcY, cHaRlOtTe, and sUnNi
u: unknown fact about me: I have had cHiCkeN pOx twice. When I was 17 I contracted the chicken pox again, which is known as shingles.. it sucks and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Also, I am allergic to foods -- sOY, wHeAt, sUnFlOwEr sEeDs, sEsAmE and aLl nUtS ... which makes my diet slim to none.
v: vegetarian or oppressor of animal: oPpReSsPoR, sorry... I like meat.
w: worst habit: tUcKiNg iN mY sHeEtS. In bed my sheets CANNOT have a wrinkle in it at all. If there is a wrinkle I will get up and remake the bed to get rid of them. It drives Cody nuts cause he loves them wrinkly.
x: x-rays or ultrasounds: x-RaY. My last run in with an ultrasound was a tad uncomfortable and ackward. X-rays are SO much easier.
y: your favorite food: cHeRrY pIe, cHoCoLaTe, bIsCuTs(homemade), sTroGaNoFf
z: zodiac: vIrGo
a: attached or single: aTtAcHeD
b: best friend: cOdY, mY mOm, mY dAd, mAtSoN, eLiShA..
c: cake or pie: pIe.. i LOVE cHeRrY
d: day of choice: fRiDaY or sAtUrDaY..
e: Essential item: cElL pHoNe, cHaPsTiCk, bEnaDrYl
f: favorite color: rEd
g: gummi bears or worms: bEaRs, but ONLY hAriBo
h: hometown: pRoVo, Ut
i: indulgence(s): cHoColAtE, fRiEnDs, bOoKs, mOvIeS..
j: january or july: jUlY
k: kids: nOnE yEt, unless you count tYkE
l: life is incomplete without: mY fAmiLy
m: marriage date: nOvEmBeR 22, 2005
n: number of siblings: 2 bRoThErS & 1 sIsTeR
o: oranges or apples: nIeThEr.. I have never liked fruit.. I don't eat it.
p: phobias of fears: sPiDeRs, bAlLoOnS, bUtTeRfLiEs, and hEiGhTs
q: quote(s): "wHaTeVeR yOu aRe bE a GoOd oNe" - Abraham Lincoln
r: reason to smile: mY fAmiLy
s: season: fAlL, it isn't too hot anymore but not freezing yet.
t: tag five: eLiShA, cHeReE, lAcY, cHaRlOtTe, and sUnNi
u: unknown fact about me: I have had cHiCkeN pOx twice. When I was 17 I contracted the chicken pox again, which is known as shingles.. it sucks and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Also, I am allergic to foods -- sOY, wHeAt, sUnFlOwEr sEeDs, sEsAmE and aLl nUtS ... which makes my diet slim to none.
v: vegetarian or oppressor of animal: oPpReSsPoR, sorry... I like meat.
w: worst habit: tUcKiNg iN mY sHeEtS. In bed my sheets CANNOT have a wrinkle in it at all. If there is a wrinkle I will get up and remake the bed to get rid of them. It drives Cody nuts cause he loves them wrinkly.
x: x-rays or ultrasounds: x-RaY. My last run in with an ultrasound was a tad uncomfortable and ackward. X-rays are SO much easier.
y: your favorite food: cHeRrY pIe, cHoCoLaTe, bIsCuTs(homemade), sTroGaNoFf
z: zodiac: vIrGo
Today, as you can see is Friday. I personally find Friday to be the BEST day of the week. It is the day I leave work a tad early, it is the start of a 2 day break and it is the beginning of spending time with my hubbie and tyke all day, without having to leave. I LOVE Friday. So in honor of Friday, and it's greatness.., I thought I would make a list of things that I love.
oNe. I love cOdY. Growing up all through junior high and high school we knew each other and thought the other was neat but never really did anything much about it. We dated a bit in our junior year in high school and then just decided that friends might be better. We stayed friends for years. We watched each other go through hard relationships and challenges but were still there for the other. In 2005 after I returned home from Europe, we started dating again. And well, as he says " I just couldn't let you get away this time.." We were married and I have loved every bit of the two years and 4 months of it.
tWo. I love tYkE. Our "little" puppy has brought such joy and love into our home. He is constantly figuring out new things and surprising us with the things he finds. He is never dull and always keeps us on our toes. He has been a great thing in our life and I love every minute I get with him, especially when we cuddle.
tHrEe. I love the smell of cInNaMoN. It has been one of my all time favorite smells in the world for I don't even know how long. I am always smelling cinnamon candles and finding things that I can put in my house or room that smell like cinnamon.
fOuR. I love aRt. I always had a appreciation for people who could draw and paint and create beautiful things with their hands. A few years back I had the chance to travel to Europe and see things in Italy, Switzerland and in France that changed my love for art. When I got the chance to see things up close and almost touch them, my love grew so much deeper. I plan on making it back there before I die.
fIvE. I love to tRaVeL. I have always loved just packing up and going places. Growing up we made trips here and there mostly just to see Grandparents with a few stops along the way. When I started to get older we started doing bigger trips and I loved it. We went to Florida, California and Texas. I loved those memories. As I have gotten older I have taken many more trips and have loved it!! I have many plans for places in the future.
sIx. I love to rEaD. I have gotten this infinity for books from my dad. Growing up I was required to read a half hour every night before I could go to bed. I developed a great habit for reading and still love to do so every day. I could curl up somewhere and read a book all day and feel good about life.
sEvEn. I love mOvIeS. I started to like movies alot in high school. Mostly cause almost every date I went on took me to a movie of some sort. After Cody and I were married, it seems that if we have free time and not alot of money, which is alot!, we would go rent a movie or stay up and watch one. We have expanded our movie collection a bunch since we have gotten married and will continue to love movies.
eIgHt. I love cHoCoLaTe. I don't think there has been a day in my life where I haven't had something with chocolate in it. I love chocolate. It just tastes so good.
nINe. I love sChOoL. I have been in school for a while, and I am finally nearing the end of my schooling phase in life. To be honest after it is over and done I won't know what to do with myself, I love going and learning about things I have an interest in and expanding my knowledge. I love being able to attend, although it can be very stressful at times.
tEn. I love my fAmILy. I feel so blessed and lucky that I was sent to a great family and that I had the chance to marry my best friend. I have such a great support system that I know will always be there for me even when I feel so alone. I really love them and I feel blessed to be with them for eternity.
until next time.. ciao.
oNe. I love cOdY. Growing up all through junior high and high school we knew each other and thought the other was neat but never really did anything much about it. We dated a bit in our junior year in high school and then just decided that friends might be better. We stayed friends for years. We watched each other go through hard relationships and challenges but were still there for the other. In 2005 after I returned home from Europe, we started dating again. And well, as he says " I just couldn't let you get away this time.." We were married and I have loved every bit of the two years and 4 months of it.
tWo. I love tYkE. Our "little" puppy has brought such joy and love into our home. He is constantly figuring out new things and surprising us with the things he finds. He is never dull and always keeps us on our toes. He has been a great thing in our life and I love every minute I get with him, especially when we cuddle.
tHrEe. I love the smell of cInNaMoN. It has been one of my all time favorite smells in the world for I don't even know how long. I am always smelling cinnamon candles and finding things that I can put in my house or room that smell like cinnamon.
fOuR. I love aRt. I always had a appreciation for people who could draw and paint and create beautiful things with their hands. A few years back I had the chance to travel to Europe and see things in Italy, Switzerland and in France that changed my love for art. When I got the chance to see things up close and almost touch them, my love grew so much deeper. I plan on making it back there before I die.
fIvE. I love to tRaVeL. I have always loved just packing up and going places. Growing up we made trips here and there mostly just to see Grandparents with a few stops along the way. When I started to get older we started doing bigger trips and I loved it. We went to Florida, California and Texas. I loved those memories. As I have gotten older I have taken many more trips and have loved it!! I have many plans for places in the future.
sIx. I love to rEaD. I have gotten this infinity for books from my dad. Growing up I was required to read a half hour every night before I could go to bed. I developed a great habit for reading and still love to do so every day. I could curl up somewhere and read a book all day and feel good about life.
sEvEn. I love mOvIeS. I started to like movies alot in high school. Mostly cause almost every date I went on took me to a movie of some sort. After Cody and I were married, it seems that if we have free time and not alot of money, which is alot!, we would go rent a movie or stay up and watch one. We have expanded our movie collection a bunch since we have gotten married and will continue to love movies.
eIgHt. I love cHoCoLaTe. I don't think there has been a day in my life where I haven't had something with chocolate in it. I love chocolate. It just tastes so good.
nINe. I love sChOoL. I have been in school for a while, and I am finally nearing the end of my schooling phase in life. To be honest after it is over and done I won't know what to do with myself, I love going and learning about things I have an interest in and expanding my knowledge. I love being able to attend, although it can be very stressful at times.
tEn. I love my fAmILy. I feel so blessed and lucky that I was sent to a great family and that I had the chance to marry my best friend. I have such a great support system that I know will always be there for me even when I feel so alone. I really love them and I feel blessed to be with them for eternity.
until next time.. ciao.
cAliFoRnIa dReAmiN'
Well, this past week was an interesting one. Throughout the year we had been preparing to travel to California to watch my younger sister compete for a national title in Anaheim. Well when the idea of a house popped up and we decided to go for it, we also decided that only I would be traveling to California to watch with my family. Since it would be strange for just Cody to go with my parents and brother and sister.
Prior to leaving for California, I had noticed some strange things happening when I ate certain foods. I was diagnosed with food allergies before this ( May 2007), but just to nuts. Well I have been really good about avoiding things that can hurt me for this mere fact. I had started to notice it when I ate things that didn't have nuts, I was having reactions. So I called my doctor and set up a time to have some more testing done to see if there was more lurking around in there. Well the only opening that they had was for the Tuesday before I left for California. Well as I suffered through the days without allergy medications and trying to eat very carefully since I couldn't stop a reaction if I had one.. I prepped for Tuesday. Well after the test ended we have come to the conclusion that I have developed more allergies and become more allergic to the ones I had before.. The new ones that we added are the following... Wheat, Soy, Sunflower Seeds, and Sesame Seeds. Well I don't know if you have taken the time to read the labels on foods... but Soy and Wheat are in like EVERYTHING!! So I was a tad concerned. My doctor is running blood tests to see just how allergic I am to all these things.. sad. Well this added and element of "fun experimentation" to the mix on the trip.
This is my arm at the end of the scratch test..lovely huh? All the red marks are things I am really allergic to.
Well I left on Wednesday afternoon and the adventure began.. it started with my dad forgetting the Disneyland tickets and having to have Cody drive to the airport before our plane left to drop them off. Talk about a great first challenge and before it even started!! Upon arrival at LAX, which is a MEGA-AIRPORT--talk about huge!!, we prepared to get our rental car. Well, we boarded the Alamo shuttle and rode to their office only to find that we had made our reservations with Budget. So we re-boarded the shuttle and rode back to the airport, wandered through and found the Budget rental shuttle.
Here is Mom and Jarett (my younger brother - he is 13) on the ride back to the airport.. the first adventure of many.
The next two days were filled with time at Disneyland and California Adventure.. we rode a ton of rides!! Every night I was so tired and my legs were cramped up and sore from all the walking. I loved the rides, they are so fun.. we only got stuck in one once.. ha ha Indiana Jones broke down with us inside the ride. Needless to say we ended up spending about 5 minutes in the ride stuck on a ramp. It was funny. We had fun though.
This is me and my sister (Kellyn - she is 17) being "scared" stuck inside the Indiana Jones ride, notice dad is scared too..
The third day was what we had come for. Kellyn and her team, GO TIMPVIEW, competed for the championship. We spent the morning sitting around the pool and catching some lunch before heading over to watch. There were 5 teams in her division, and it seemed to take a while before it was their turn. They did good. They dropped one stunt, which takes off 2 points. We waited until about 6 and they started announcing the finalists. Timpview made it in with one other California team, Aliso Negaro. Well them entering the finals, meant we would be returning again the following day to watch them again.
Upon finishing at the competition we traveled to Downtown Disney where my mom had made reservations for us to eat at the Rain forest Cafe. We sat down and I began to wonder what I could eat without the thought of dying. I chose pasta. The food came, I was hungry and started eating. About 3/4 of the way through my food I started to react badly to whatever had touched the pasta. My throat swelled and I felt like I couldn't swallow, I got hives all over the inside of my mouth. I hurried and took a benadryl and prayed that it would ease up. - Which thank heavens it did after about 45 minutes of not knowing if I was going to need to visit a doctor.- After finishing dinner we decided to go into the park again and ride some rides before it closed at midnight. Let me just let you know that being on benadryl and being at Disneyland is an interesting combination. EVERYTHING made me laugh and not just giggle, but hysterical laughter. I think I creeped my dad out in the line for Autopia, by laughing at the lame entertainment jokes they had playing. It was fun though.
This is me under the influence of benadryl... don't I look great?
After the night of fun, we went home to pack, we left the next night and we had to be ready because Kelly competed about 4 hours before our plane left. I hurried and packed and then fell straight asleep. We woke up finished packing and checked out and we were off to Disneyland for a few hours of fun before leaving. We rode Tower of Terror, Screamin' California, Big Thunder Railroad, and Pirates of the Caribbean. It was a blast. We finished up and raced the the competition. We watched as they took Nationals. CONGRATS!! We rushed off to the airport, we arrived 2 hours early.. phew!
Kellyn after getting her award and trophy at Nationals.
We landed at 12am. Killer. By the time we got home it was 2am and we were all grumpy and tired. I rushed down to see Cody, who had fallen asleep - surprise... It was a good trip. I missed Cody and cutie Tyke, but it was fun to spend time with my family. I do however have to admit it is FREEZING here... it was a nice 76 degrees the day i left California only to return to 38 degree weather, off the plane.UGH. But I am so glad to be home.
Lastly I thought I would update you on the house progress, I don't have pictures but here is the news... The carpets and minor final touches go in this week. The driveway will be poured this week and the sidewalks will be done next week. We are looking at closing at the end of this month!! YAY!
Until next time..
mArVeLoUs mArCh
Well, I decided it was time to update.. So we travelled to the townhome last weekend, and took a few pictures. We are making advances, we have cabinets, hardwood floors, all the counter tops and tile. We are getting excited, from the looks of things, we will be able to close at the end of this month. It is going to be fun, so I thought I would post the most recent pictures that we have so you all can see!

This is the view into the kitchen from the living room. You can kind of see the cabinets that are in.

This is from the dining area looking towards the kitchen. The sink is installed and the appliances arrived just a day before we took this picture.

This is the view of our master bath from the bedroom. YAY! Countertops and Cabinets!!

This is the tub in the Master bath.. it is huge and jetted. I am super excited to take a bath in that!

And... of course, Cody hanging out in the master shower. He was all excited and had to go and stand inside of it.
As you can see we are getting close on the house, we have been told that we will be due to close after the 15th of March. I am a tad nervous and feeling a little insecure on what will play out, I am sure that it will be good and we will be fine, the first bit will be rough. But we will love having our own home.
Well in addition to working on our home, we have been busy with school and work. Cody is working hard, spending hours at work and not coming home until after 7 or 8 every night. I guess that is a good sign that he loves his job. I have been busy trying to keep up with things at work, everything is changing and being looked at.. at times it is hard to handle and stay on top, but it could be worse. And little tyke is growing and changing so fast. We love him so much and don't know what we would do with out him. His new thing is to go "sunbathing" outside, he loves the warm weather. He is funny!!

Anyhow.. welcome march.. hope it is a great month!
This is the view into the kitchen from the living room. You can kind of see the cabinets that are in.
This is from the dining area looking towards the kitchen. The sink is installed and the appliances arrived just a day before we took this picture.
This is the view of our master bath from the bedroom. YAY! Countertops and Cabinets!!
This is the tub in the Master bath.. it is huge and jetted. I am super excited to take a bath in that!
And... of course, Cody hanging out in the master shower. He was all excited and had to go and stand inside of it.
As you can see we are getting close on the house, we have been told that we will be due to close after the 15th of March. I am a tad nervous and feeling a little insecure on what will play out, I am sure that it will be good and we will be fine, the first bit will be rough. But we will love having our own home.
Well in addition to working on our home, we have been busy with school and work. Cody is working hard, spending hours at work and not coming home until after 7 or 8 every night. I guess that is a good sign that he loves his job. I have been busy trying to keep up with things at work, everything is changing and being looked at.. at times it is hard to handle and stay on top, but it could be worse. And little tyke is growing and changing so fast. We love him so much and don't know what we would do with out him. His new thing is to go "sunbathing" outside, he loves the warm weather. He is funny!!
Anyhow.. welcome march.. hope it is a great month!
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