
.. r. o. u. s. attack ..

well since you saw our cute gingerbread houses, yes they were cute. well we had left our cool gingerbread house on the table and went to bed. the next morning around 9am we awoke to the sound of pitter patter on the floor above us. cody has a very low tolerance for noises when he is sleeping and being irritated he we upstairs to see what the fuss was. when he returned he had news.. some r.o.u.s.'s had attacked our gingerbread house. {roxy and daisy}

here is the damage..

.. the got the corner of the trailer, the mama, 3 kiddos, the bench, white trash dad, the tire pile and all the licorice walkway ..

.. we are so sad, can you tell ..

so.. word to the wise, put your gingerbread houses up on the counters not the tables, because you never know when R.O.U.S's might just attack.

1 comment:

Erica Tanner said...

am i retarded?? r.o.u.s stands for???