
.. it's just a little cut ..

i have seriously been so bad at updating the blog. like bad. so i thought i would take a few and give you an update. June was busy, we were both working (Cody has 2 part time jobs and works 7 days a week - crazy). we decided to join my brother and sister in law and some friends on a cruise this august and have been planning for that. 

the end of June Cody had to have some surgery. it was his first ever and needless to say i think i was more scared about it then he was. i woke up the morning of a bundle of nerves and scared for him and he was totally relaxed until about 5 minutes before he went in. we got there at 9am, and they took his blood and got him changed. look at his super cute purple gown. 

this gown is pretty rad, not gonna lie. they finally got smart down there. they have inside the gown a expandable space that connects to a hose that blows either hot or cold air into the gown. thus you don't need 19 heated blankets to stay warm in the hospital only like 2. here is a vent you can kind of see in, this is with the air on and going. 

we got all settled answered about a million questions and then we waited. about an hour later the doctor showed up and explained it all to us and then told us that he had a patient that was in ICU that was in critical condition and might not make it. He was going to go and check on him and if he could stabilize he would take Cody first, if not then he would have to butt in line. so we waited, and sure enough the guy couldn't make it. so we had to wait some more. after about 2 hours i asked the nurse for a check up. they said it was pretty bad and that it would be another 2 hours before he could get in. so we waited until 3. at 3 they finally took him back. the surgery was quick only 45 minutes and he was done. the doctor came and talked to me and said he was great and that when he had woken up that they would call for me. so i waited for another hour for them to call and finally got to go back around 5. i got to walk in and see this cute face.


he slept for another hour and then we took a stroll around the halls, he had to walk and go to the bathroom before we could leave. he did both and we were released around 7. we stopped and got him a jamba juice to add to the 8 oreos he scarfed in recovery. 

he is doing well though, we are on day 8 and he is great. the cut is healing nice and he is moving much better. he can't lift anything over 5 pounds so that is making life a bit of work seeing how i have to do double the amount of work since he can't. but if all goes well he will get clearance on the 13th of July.


1 comment:

Erica Tanner said...

yes missy...you need to blog!!! haha. understandable tho! And go cody!