
. my niece is cuter than your niece .

alright, so I have to brag, cause I can. Cody and I have 3 nieces and 1 nephew and they are the cutest. recently our oldest niece c* turned 7. yep 7. I feel old. we decided instead of guessing what to get her for her birthday we would take her out for ice cream and to claires where she could choose her own present. We mailed her a card, complete with glitter and all, asking her if she would like to go. We promptly got a phone call from her mom with her in the background telling her she could go and that she better hurry and tell us. love her. 

we picked her up on a saturday afternoon and we were off. we took her to claires where we were able to get her a scarf of her choosing, which we have been informed now goes with her everywhere. we then took her out for ice cream at Farrs. she built her own ice cream, and it was a crazy concoction. Kids stomaches are way tougher than adults that is all I can say about that. 

a few days later we were lucky enough to attend her first grade program. they sang and had speaking parts and danced. too cute. after it was over we got to go to her classroom and meet her class mates and her teacher. she also read to us her report on Australia, which she studied this year. She is quite a little star I will tell you what. Way smarter than I was at her age. 

{she is the cutie pie at the mic in the black dress}

so there, told you. mine was cuter than yours. 

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