
. one stick, two stick, red stick, giant stick .

so now that the weather is warmer, jet is loving the outdoors. he goes outside all the time, whenever he pleases really thanks to a doggie door. lately he has been into sticks. and not just twigs, but sticks and even branches. like huge. so on sunday he was playing outside and found a stick that his uncle j* had taken the bark off for him so he could chew it without a huge mess. so he was stoked. he tried to bring it in the doggie door. it is too wide for the doggie door, but he tried and kept on trying. gotta love his efforts.  dad eventually caved and let him in through the normal door and he spent the rest of the evening gnawing that thing to death. he is just too cute. 

1 comment:

Erica Tanner said...

love the title of this post. too funny.