
. grass, beef and cotton - yes they share a commonality .

this poor guy

has allergies. we recently have been having some issues with his skin. he gets bald spots, really red skin and scratches to no end. we have been working with the vet for a while now, trying steroids and antibiotics to get it under control and we decided the next step to test him for allergies. so a few weeks ago we had a bit of blood drawn and sent to the lab. we got the results this week. he tested positive to 22 allergens. for reals?!? poor kiddo. 

{all the red is what he tested positive for, yellow is he shows some but can tolerate it}

a few of them, i feel like a terrible mother, were in his food. like he is allergic to beef, lamb, oats, barley and salmon. worst mother of the year cause we tried changing up foods and i am pretty certain i feed him all of those things. another that just kills me is grass. are you kidding, he is a dog. a DOG. wow. needless to say yesterday started some major changes at our house like 2x a week bath nights, cleaning the paws every night and new food. wish us luck, i have food allergies and it is a challenge trying to figure stuff out, now i get to do it for my dog, who can't really express if it is working or not. ahhhh.

1 comment:

Erica Tanner said...

what are you going to do about the grass thing?!