
tYkE's bIrThDaY

Today we celebrated Tyke's FIRST birthday. It started off great. Last night, we decided to finish Gladiator, a movie I had never seen but had been recommended by my Art History Teacher. We had made it half way through about three nights prior. So we took Tyke downstairs with us to our bedroom and curled up for some thrilling killing sequences. Upon finishing the movie, we were both too tired to get up and put tyke to bed. So he slept with us. I quietly sung happy birthday to him at 12:40am this morning before passing out. Cody couldn't stand his constant moving and need to clean himself so at 5:15am we put him to bed. He got up with Grandma at 7:30 and has had the most chill day. He gets to just lounge and go outside and do his "sunbathing".

When his uncle Jarett got home from school he took tyke on a long walk, which he loved. While he was on his walk I made 48 mini cupcakes for his birthday which my mom nicknamed 'pupcakes'.

He hung outside and inside until about nine last night when we decided to have his mini party in which us as a family watched him make a spectacle of himself and enjoy his cupcakes.

We got Tyke Transformers birthday hats.. here he is in his.. too cute.

This is what happened as soon as dad let go from the picture... he is killing the hat

and then trying to eat it...

here he is doing a great job at 'leave it..' which he is to leave whatever it is alone. in this case it was the cupcake..

tyke and his dad

tyke and mom

We had a great time watching him all hyped up on sugar and running around like a crazy. It was a great day and we are so grateful he is a part of our family. We couldn't have asked for a better, kinder dog.


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