
.. le circus for bebe ..

so as you might have seen from my baby shower preview, a few weeks back my sil e* and i threw a baby shower for my sister k* who is due with a baby boy this month. don't worry there will be baby pictures here when he comes :). we decided on circus for the theme and went to work planning. we planned and worked on it for about 2 months. phew! but all the hard work paid off, the end result was so cute!

{ game at the door, it was guess how many circus peanuts go around her belly}

{ after the game, another game! matching mommies with babies. and part of the spread, cupcakes! }

{ chocolate cupcakes with buttercream icing, yum! }

{ pop of color with napkins }

{ fun little spot, we gave the suckers to the winners of the games }

{ no circus is complete without popcorn! }

{ drink bar, we had these little sodas and mini waters }

{ treat bar, we had little baggies and candies for them to take home, yum! }

All in all it turned out great, she got a bunch of cute clothes and goodies and we can't wait until he gets here. With any luck it will be in the next few weeks, she is already making progress - dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced. Almost baby time :)

congrats k*!

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