
.. a little man ..

so i don't have my own kids, i just have cute nieces and nephews. 3 nieces and 1 1/2 nephews, my sister is due this month with nephew #2. after the race last week we went to cody's parents house to spend time with the family. we had a BBQ, with ribs, chicken, salads, corn, rolls and friends. how can you go wrong? every year in the summer my in laws set up a metal framed pool in the backyard. my nieces love it. like love it. i spent about 2 hours sitting out by the pool watching them show me all their tricks and being pretend dolphins, whales and turtles since mermaids aren't real. my adorbs nephew decided to stand up against the pool and throw everything he could see in. leaves, shoes, his sippy cup, life vest you name it he tried and throw it in the pool. he is adorable, and i love him, even if i am just a big scary person to him right now. maybe one day i will be the cool aunt he wants to be around :). 

{ adorbs nephew c* }

love him

1 comment:

Erica Tanner said...

Love that picture of him. Too cute!