
.. an old man's celebration ..

over memorial day weekend i had the chance to go up to my grandparents house and celebrate my grandpa's 80th birthday. he is wonderful and grand, he is awesome and hilarious. we surprised him and told him we just wanted to come visit since we had a free day, little did he know that everyone - minus a missionary and my brother m* and his wife e* - showed up for lunch and a birthday celebration. 

we had pizza, salad and cupcakes. naturally cupcakes rule. 

{ here is the whole crew that came, big family huh? }

my grandparents have 5 kids, 12 grand kids and 1 great grand kid { soon to be 3. no i'm not prego, but my sister and my cousin m* are}

{ gramps, gg, uncle steve, uncle scott and my mom }

{ we tried to do a group hug picture, all my uncle could do is choke my gg and laugh! }

{ my handsome gramps and gorgeous grandma (hence the gg) }

These people are wonderful, I am so glad that I have such a wonderful family that I could share this with. so here is to you gramps, happy 80th birthday. hope it was great and wonderful to celebrate. the one great gift he got was the birth of his first great granddaughter on his birthday.

Happy birthday!!


Erica Tanner said...

Those are some great pictures!

Matson said...

I freaking love our grandparents. They are the best ever!